MATLAB: Call dlls in for compiled application

dlls compiled application

Hi all
i built a app with app designer. I get an error "No class lib..\dev\bin\64-bit\nilibddc.dll." after install the app
One of the function i need to call the dll provided by NI
Relative path is used in the function ".\dev\bin\64-bit\nilibddc.dll'"
I package the app and install in another PC. The GUI can not find the dll path and load the dlls.
Is something wrone here do define the dll path.
Or i do not coeectly take care of nilibddc_thunk_pcwin64.dll file?
Thanks a lot
libname = 'nilibddc';
NI_TDM_DLL_Path = '.\dev\bin\64-bit\nilibddc.dll';
NI_TDM_H_Path = '.\dev\include\64-bit\nilibddc_m.h';
if ~libisloaded(NI_TDM_DLL_Path)
% loadlibrary(NI_TDM_DLL_Path,NI_TDM_H_Path);
loadlibrary(NI_TDM_DLL_Path, @mylibraryfile);

Best Answer

I have fixed the issue
2) Do not use relative path here for the function to call dlls. This is a mistake i made
filepath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
NI_TDM_DLL_Path = [filepath,'\dev\bin\64-bit\nilibddc.dll'];
3) package the app, update "Shared resources and helper files" to add the dll folder prototype m–file & library_thunk_pcwin64.dll into the app.