MATLAB: Error ThunkLoadFailed when loading a dll in a compiled m-File


Hello folks,
I am currently trying to compile an m-file which is utilizing a 64bit dll i wrote. I have already created the prototype file for using it with the syntax
[notfound,warnings] = loadlibrary('CCode/sharelib.dll',@prototype,'alias','sharelib');
where @prototype is the handle to the m-file i created from the corresponding h-file.
When executing the m-file from the matlab command-line, everything works fine. However, when i compile the code an try to run the executable, the windows command prompt yields the following error message:
status =
message =
Error using loadlibrary (line 419)
Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
Error in Start_Raytracer (line 28)
The german sentence means "the specified module could not be found."
Especially the line "MATLAB:loadlibrary:ThunkLoadFailed" makes me wonder, because i cannot find that line neither inside the loadlibrary function nor on the internet.
Thanks alot for any comment on this =)

Best Answer

You need to add the thunk file to the executable produced. Use the -a option to mcc to include the thunk dll in the archive. Look in the directory containing the prototype file for the thunk file.
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