MATLAB: Help with GUI – Push button

filefolderguiguidematlab guipush buttonsavetext file

Hello! I created a GUI with Matlab, that gives me two numbers as output. These two numbers are visualized into two 'Edit text' commands. Now, what I need to do is to save this two numbers in a .txt file, by using a 'Push button' command. Let's suppose that the tags associated to the 'Edit text' commands (where the two numbers are visualized) are num1 and num2, while the tag associated to the 'Push button' command is save . What I want to do when pressing the Push button save is: (1) choose the folder where to save the two numbers; (2) save the two numbers as a unique .txt file containing the two numbers (e.g. numbers_file.txt or number_file.dat). How can I translate this into a matlab code (i.e. the callback function of the push button save ?). Thank you

Best Answer

aurc89 - assuming that you have used GUIDE, the callback function for the save button would look something like
function save_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% grab the numbers from the two text widgets
val1 = char(get(handles.num1,'String'));
val2 = char(get(handles.num2,'String'));
% create the unique file name given these two numbers
filename = [val1 '_' val2 '_file.txt'];
% get the directory to save the data to
foldername = uigetdir;
% ensure the folder name is valid
if ischar(foldername)
% update the file name to include the folder name
filename = fullfile(foldername,filename);
% open the file
fid = fopen(filename,'w');
if fid>0
% write the data to file
fprintf(fid,'%s %s\n',val1,val2);
The above assumes that integers are in the num1 and num2 fields, so you may need to adapt the code for floats. Try the above and see what happens!