MATLAB: How to save a file into another folder by using uiputfile

movefileprogrammatic guisaveuiputfile

I have a matlab based programmatic gui. The user clicks on the save pushbutton. the pushbutton calls a callback function. The function creates the 'output.dat' file. Then, uiputfile asks the user where to save the .dat file. Everything so far is fine. However, I cannot save the file with the user specified name into the desired folder. I tried many functions such as copyfile, movefile,save but none worked. Can you help me please? Below there is an example function. It would also be nice to be able to save with the user specified format.
Thank you,
fileID = fopen('output.dat','wt');
fprintf(fileID,'write something.');
[filename, pathname] = uiputfile('output.dat');

Best Answer

If you can ask where to put it first then you can simply solve your problems with:
fileID = fopen('...\chosenDir\output.dat','wt');
i.e. you can write the file directly to the chosen directory.
You can selecet the directory first with uigetdir()
Alternatively you can move your file from one dir to another with movefile()