MATLAB: HDL Coder Signed Inputs/Outputs

HDL Coder

I have a simple funtion to test the HDL Coder.
It is as follows:
function [sumnumn, diffnum, prodnum, quotnum] = asmd2num(a, b)
sumnum = a + b;
diffnum = a – b;
prodnum = a * b;
quotnum = a / b;
For the Clocks & Ports tab I have Synchronous,
Inpud data type = signed/unsigned
Output data type = signed/unsigned
Optimzations: Register Outputs
The issue is that the HDL output is always producing unsigned outputs.
How does one get SIGNED outputs?
And preferably SIGNED inputs?

Best Answer

It appears the whether one gets signed or unsigned is determined by the values in the test bench.