MATLAB: Forward Kinematics and Reverse Kinematics


In Robotics F.K. we have A*Si = B*phi where A, B are known matrices, Si is a vector with x, y and z as its elements, phi is the vector containing the angular velocity of each of the 2 wheels of the robot. MATLAB says that an eqn of the form Ax=B can be solved by A\B. I am not sure if this applies in my case i.e. A*Si = B*phi. This I know has been solved and I was told that A\B is the way to do it but does not work for me. Similarly I am stuck on the R.K. case. Please help

Best Answer

So A & B are known matrices. Si is a known vector.
What A*Si? A known vector. Call it b.
So then you have a problem of the form
B*phi = v
Can you solve that using backslash? Yes. B is known. v is known.
Look at the equation. How do you solve it? Substitute variables.