MATLAB: Symbolic variables – how to force Matlab to substitute it with real value


I have a slight problem with my work and I was hoping maybe someone knows some easy solution I do not (I'm not a pro with Matlab:))
I am calculating symbolic variables (gradient, to be precise) through function and returning it to my main program. The equation has variables: z1, z2 and theta, which are all numeric values inside my main program. But I have no idea how to make Matlab substitute symbolic with real values. I tried to just copy the symbolic equation I got into the program, but it is really complicated and long and it slows my Matlab to the point it don't want to work properly (is it possible? I was over 25 000 characters long).
Is there any command, function, whatever, to just substitute symbolic with real values? It would be like life saver:).

Best Answer

There are two ways:
1. The subs function will work in all version of the MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox;
2. From R2012a onward, you can define symbolic functions. They operate essentially the same way as other MATLAB functions.
syms t x
y1 = sin(x*t)
y2(x,t) = cos(x*t)
a = 1;
b = [0:0.5:1.5];
y1_out = subs(y1,{x,t},{a,b})
y2_out = y2(a,b)
y1_out =
[ 0, sin(1/2), sin(1), sin(3/2)]
y2_out =
[ 1, cos(1/2), cos(1), cos(3/2)]
Use the vpa function to get floating-point numbers instead of the symbolic expressions:
q1 = vpa(y1_out)
q2 = vpa(y2_out)
q1 =
[ 0, 0.47942553860420300027328793521557, 0.8414709848078965066525023216303, 0.99749498660405443094172337114149]
q2 =
[ 1.0, 0.87758256189037271611628158260383, 0.54030230586813971740093660744298, 0.070737201667702910088189851434269]
See the Symbolic Math Toolbox documentation to learn all the details.
3. If you want to get an executable function from your expression that you can execute in core MATLAB (outside the Symbolic Math Toolbox), use the matlabFunction function:
yfcn = matlabFunction([y1; y2])
yfcn = @(x,t)[sin(t.*x);cos(t.*x)] % Manually Edit To Put It All On One Line
q3 = yfcn(a,b)
q3 =
0 0.47943 0.84147 0.99749
1 0.87758 0.5403 0.070737
Still waking up, or I’d have included that earlier.