MATLAB: Fit of groups of data

curve fitting

I have two groups of data. Both of them have the same x-axis but differ in y-axis. I want to to solve an equation that depend on these two groups of data.
The x-axis is representing time x=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 10; 15; 30; 45; 60; 90]
and y-axis for the first group is: y1=[56.88; 62.75; 87.07; 114.54; 139.14; 177.24; 216.39; 285.77; 399.99; 357.28; 359.53]
and y-axis for the second group is: y2=[353.64; 343.60; 303.67; 312.73; 328.91; 306.76; 299.97; 259.01; 222.10; 190.04; 228.87]
Here is my equation: y1/(y1+y2)=[k1/(k1+k2)]*{1-exp[-(k1+k2)*t]}
Note: all the equation parameters are known except k1 and k2.
How can I find them by fitting the data please?

Best Answer

If you have the Statistics Toolbox, I think the nlinfit() function will do what you need: