MATLAB: Uniformize two discrete curves to measure minimal distance.

discrete curveinterpolation

I have two discrete curves, they each consist of two vertical arrays for x and for y.
Now I want to move the red curve in the picture to the right by a factor f to achieve a minimum distance between the two curves. The problem is that the coordinate points of the two curves are not uniform, so they both have different steps in x and y direction. The steps are not even consistent in each curve.
My idea was now to make the koordinates uniform like a grid and then I could calculate the horizontal and the vertical distance between the curves (the minimum distance would be even better) and add the missing increment to the x value of the red curve.
I managed to uniformize the x-axis with the function interp1, but I couldn't manage to uniformize the y-axis aswell which would make the vertical comparison possible but the horizontal would still be difficult. Another problem is that the red curve now doesn't reach the bottom anymore because the interpolation point isn't on the same spot like the y=0 point, as can be seen in the bottom graph. This is also an important requirement.
I also searched for other functions like for example, but it requieres a graph as input and I'm not familiar with that data type.
The coordinates of the two curves are the following:
I would appreciate any kind of help, of course different approaches than mine are also very welcome.
Also I use Matlab R2020a with all toolboxes.

Best Answer

How about this?
clc; clear all ;
x2=[55,3050;55,3056;55,3093;55,3194;55,3392;55,3717;55,4203;55,4882;55,5787;55,6953;55,8413;56,0207;56,2374;56,4958;56,8009;57,1584;57,5751;58,0595;58,6222;59,2774;60,0453;60,9556;62,0582;63,4478;65,3654;70,2818] ;
y2=[0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24;25] ;
% Limit the values to 80
idx1 = x1 <= 80 ;
idx2 = x2 <= 80 ;
x1 = x1(idx1) ; y1 = y1(idx1) ;
x2 = x2(idx2) ; y2 = y2(idx2) ;
% Make (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) to same size
n = 500 ;
x1new = linspace(min(x1),max(x1),n) ;
y1new = interp1(x1,y1,x1new) ;
x1 = x1new ; y1 = y1new ;
% Get the minimum distance from x2(end), y2(end)
d = sqrt((x2(end)-x1).^2+(y2(end)-y1).^2) ;
[val,idx] = min(d) ;
% point on (x1,y1)
hold on
title(sprintf("minimum distance = %f",val))