MATLAB: Findobj for multiple ‘Tag’s


Hi, is there any way I could look for multiple tags like this:
instead of
Thank you

Best Answer

When you use findobj, it returns the object handle (May look like an arbitrary number to the user). There are many ways to do what you want I think. Here is one
First, create a cell array with the names of the tags you want to find, then use findobj in a loop to collect the object handles.
mytags = {'Name1' 'Name2' 'Name3' ... )
for i = length(mytags)
objecthandles.(genvarname(mytags{1})= findobj(0, 'tag', mytags{1})
The output should be a structure of variables called 'objecthandles' that has variables for each of your tag names, and the variables store the object handles.
The output should look something like:
objecthandles =
objecthandles.Name1 = 300.12
objecthandles.Name2 = 292.73
objecthandles.Name3 = 512.42
You now are able to call all of their handles at will. Let me know if I made a syntax error or soemthing and I can correct this.