MATLAB: GUIDE automaticlly removes the tag from axes


SO the problem is like that. After closing matlab and everything MATLAB removes tag from some axes. After i open GUIDE again and open my figure, axes that have CreateFcn with
function axes3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
rgb = imread('c:/snumerice/alte/labvirtualimg1.jpg');
axis off
remove tag axes3 in this case from the figure. the code remains in .m file, but i have 60 figures, almost all with axes that have a image in it, and i really cant modify all the tags manually all the time. Problem simple as that. No more tag in Property inspector of that axe( the axe is still there but with no tag).
Pls help. Thx in advance

Best Answer

When you call IMAGE, many axes properties are cleared. So after you call IMAGE, set the tag.
axis off
set(hObject,'tag','mytag') % Set the tag to whatever you want
The other alternative would be to set the nextplot property to replacechildren. This will avoid resetting all the properties with calling IMAGE. See the doc on axes properties.