MATLAB: Does findobj not work with annotation tags


When I create an annotation with a Tag and use findobj the result is empty.
an = annotation('textbox',[0 0 1 1],'string','Hallo','Tag','annotation');

Best Answer

findall returns the hg-handle. However, I find it strange that findobj fails, since HandleVisibility is on (by default). Matlab seems to behave this way and documentation is hard to read.
>> an = annotation('textbox',[0 0 1 1],'string','Hello','Tag','annotation');
>> h1 = findobj('Tag','annotation')
h1 =
Empty matrix: 0-by-1
>> h2 = findall(0,'Tag','annotation')
h2 =
>> get( h2, 'HandleVis' )
ans =
With R2012a,64bit,Win7
Yes, an and h2 seems to be the same
>> [an,h2]
ans =
178.0024 178.0024
>> get( [an,h2], 'type' )
ans =
>> get( [an,h2], 'tag' )
ans =
However, you spotted the cause
>> axh = get( h2, 'parent' )
axh =
>> get( axh, 'HandleVis' )
ans =
annotation returns the handle of a hggroup, which is the child of an axes the HandleVisibility of which is off.