MATLAB: Creating annotation, cannot find it on the figure in code


I am creating an annotation on a figure with a function. When I re-enter the function, I cannot find the annotation object within the figure.
I checked and the annotations parent is an axes whose parent is the figure, but when I look at the figure's children, it only lists the main axes (not the one containing the annotation). Even FindObj doesn't find the axes that the annotation is on (I've tried findObj('Type','axes') and only one answer comes up).
Any ideas?

Best Answer

Please post the commands you are using to create and to search the annotation. E.g.:
H = annotation('textbox', [0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2]);
get(H, 'Type')
% >> hggroup
get(get(H, 'Children'), 'Type')
% >> axes
any(allchild(gcf), get(H, 'Children')
% >> 1
You need the ALLCHILD, because the annotation has a hidden handle.