MATLAB: Visual stacking order of objects and plotyy

plotyystacking orderuistack

I have created a graph using the PLOTYY command,
[AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(Xdata, Y1data, Xdata, Y2data, 'loglog', 'loglog');
uistack(AX(1), 'up');
I want to annotate the graph using "line", and I want these lines to be behind the existing data.
I have tried the following code:
h_line = line(x, y);
uistack(h_line, 'bottom');
which places the line behind the data of the left y-axis (i.e. AX(1)), but still on top of the data of the right y-axis (i.e. AX(2)).
Does anyone know how to change the stacking order of annotation objects such that they lay behind all existing data made using PLOTYY?

Best Answer

In order for a line drawn on one axes to appear behind a line drawn on another axes, the entire axes of the line must be behind the other axes.
You might end up having to use a third axes with the same position and axes limits as the first axes, but uistack()'d behind both other axes.