MATLAB: Problem with ginput when having 2 axes in the same figure

ginputtwo axes

I have a figure containing 2 axes, the first axes ax(1) contains a line object, it is a spectrum y = y(k). The x-axis here is inverse. The second axes ax(2) ('color','none') is just overlaid and does not contain any graphic object. It's x-axis on top is the (not reversed) wavelength.(The x-limits of the second are adjusted, so that both x-axis have the appropriate positions, e.g. k=0.1 –> x=10 stacked) However, this is to my knowledge the only way in MATLAB to achieve a second reverse x-axis for the same curve in a loglog diagram.
My problem: I want to get two x-coordinates in ax(1) by [x,~]=ginput(2); To be sure it is the right axes I use set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',ax(1))
Now, when I look at the resulting x values, they do come from ax(2), not from ax(1). I haven't any clue why this doesn't work.
Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

Answered by Walter:
"Try setting HitTest off for the second axis."