MATLAB: Faster way to match up dates with data

data matchingdate matchMATLAB

I wrote some code that matches up observational data (data recorded every 10 minutes for 15 years) that is occasionally missing a timestep, or multiple timesteps, with a complete, ideal time series. The problem is that it takes way too long, and I'm betting there's a better way to do this that I just haven't thought of.
Here's the code:
%Creates an empty array that will be filled in with observed meteorological data
ideal_obs = zeros(766945,3);
%For loop that fills in meteorological data for every timestep in the time series
for m = 1:766945 %This m iterates over every row of date_time_index
for r = 1:size(time_obs,1) % r iterates over 'n' rows of observed time data
if isequal(date_time_index(m,1),time_obs(r,1)) == 1
ideal_obs(m,:) = raw_data(r,1:3);
elseif isequal(date_time_index(m,1),time_obs(r,1)) == 0
if r == size(time_obs,1)
ideal_obs(m,1:3) = NaN;
The idea is that my program will iterate through my ideal time series, and will attempt to import data from my observational dataset for every time step (every 10-minute period) in the idealized time series.
For missing observations, NaN is used. This way, I have a complete time series and can see where I have missing data, and can later decide how to deal with it.
The code works. I ran it on a small subset of my data. The problem is, I tried running it on my complete dataset, and it ran all night and hasn't finished yet. I'm hoping someone might be able to suggest a faster way to accomplish this task. In Excel I was using Vlookup() and it finished pretty quickly…

Best Answer

Well, yes your code is extremely inefficient.
ideal_obs = zeros(numel(date_time_index), 3);
[isfound, where] = ismember(date_time_index, time_obs);
ideal_obs(isfound, :) = raw_data(where(isfound), 1:3);
will do the same much faster.
  • I've assumed that date_time_index and time_obs are both vectors despite your usage of 2d indexing
  • if somecond == 1... elseif somecond == 0... is more simply written as if somecond ... else ... since you already know that somecond is 0 if it's not 1.
  • Have you thought about using timetables? You could have used synchronise or retime to let matlab do the filling for you in one line.