MATLAB: How calculate daily, monthly, seasonally mean average and std

dailymonthly averageseasonally average

Hi everyone,
I'm a new beginner in matlab.
I want to calculate daily, monthly, and seasonally average for time series data.
The first column is date, second column is month, 3rd column is year, 4th column is hour, 5th column is minutes, 6th column is second, and 7th until the end of column is my data.
Could anyone help me how to calculate in daily, monthly, and seasonally average?
Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

I would recommend storing the data as timetable variable, and applying retime function.
The following is an example:
% Load data file
% Create datetime array
Time = datetime(...
% Arrange data array to timetable variable
TT = array2timetable(Date1Time1Data1(:,7:end),'RowTimes',Time);
% Example1: daily average
TT_da = retime(TT,'daily','mean');
% Example2: montly std
TT_ms = retime(TT,'monthly',@std);