MATLAB: Find missing dates in dataset and make observations NaN


Hello and happy new year!
I have a dataset (see attached) with daily values of temperature from 2013 to 2016 . Column Daily_DATE contains the dates fow which I actually had a value for temperature, NaT indicates days with no observation. Column Time_Seq_Full contains all dates from 01-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2016.
Is there any way I can display the dates from Time_Seq_Full that doesn't correspond to a date in Daily_DATE (AKA find the missing dates), and in the same time make the respective values of Daily_T = NaN?
Thank you in advance!
PS. I am on 2019a.

Best Answer

I would think you could use logical indexing to find the rows of Daily_DATE that are equal to NaT. You can then use that index to set the corresponding rows of Daily_T to NaN, and extract the corresponding dates from the rows of Time_Seq_Full.
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