MATLAB: Extract 3D cells with nonzero elements, from a 3D cell array.

3d cell arraysnonzero elements

Hi guys! I have binary masks saved in 3D arrays (e.g. Mask(:,:,40), see attached Matlab file) and I want to extract only the 3D cell arrays which contain nonzero elements in a sequential order (e.g. if these are 20, then NMask(:,:,20)). Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

clc; clear all ;
load Mask.mat ;
k = Combinedmask ;
[m,n,p] = size(k) ;
count = 0 ;
for i = 1:p
ki = k(:,:,i) ;
if sum(any(ki))~=0
count = count+1 ;
iwant{count} = ki ;