MATLAB: Concatenate string to string array in efficient way


Is there any efficient way to concatenate string to string array in such way that i get from this strings:
strStart = '_';
strMsgArray = {"Ab", "Ac", "Ad"};
strEnd = 'x_';
this result:
strMsgArray = {"_Abx_", "_Acx_","_Adx_"};
They way im doing it atm is with a for-loop, but its not very efficient if size(strMsgArray,2) is large
My approach:
for k=size(strMsgArray,2)
strMsgArray{k} = strjoin({strStart,strMsgArray{k},strEnd});
Afterwards I'm using it to check if any of this Expressions are in other string:
x = cellfun(@(X)~isempty(regexpi(cellFileslist{dat},X)),strMsgArray);

Best Answer

strMsgArray = strcat(strStart,strMsgArray,strEnd)