MATLAB: Finding number in a string


Dear all and thanks for your help, I have a Cell array (D) in which each cell is composed of string and characters like AB878546HD. In anoter cell (C) I have a list of numbers and I want to find the location of each number in cell C in cell D.
I have tried to use the strfind function k = strfind(D,C{2}) but it didn’t work – I didnt get an errore but got ans=[] .
If instead of C{2} I write k = strfind(D,'38306') it works and the wanted cell was founded. So I dont know what is wrong Any help will be appreciated, here is example parts of C
' 36462' ' 38306' ' 3113' ' 1305' ' 22608' ' 11086' ' 7541'
and D

Best Answer

The following will create a numeric array, N, where the value of N(x) indicates which element of D contained the string C(x). If no match was found, N(x) is NaN. The text search includes the '|' delimiter to avoid cases like "93" matching not only "93", but also "930", "931", "193", "293", etc.
D= {'jgi|Thaps3|40|fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_4000008' ...
'jgi|Thaps3|36462|fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_4000014' ...
'jgi|Thaps3|3113|fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_5000009' ...
'jgi|Thaps3|93|fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_8000006' ...
'jgi|Thaps3|105|fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_9000002' ...
'jgi|Thaps3|168|fgenesh1_pm.C_chr_1000013' };
C = {' 36462' ' 38306' ' 3113' ' 1305' '22608' ' 11086' ' 7541'};
C = strtrim(C); % Trim whitespace from C
N = nan(size(C));
for i = 1:numel(C);
found = find(cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x), strfind(D, ['|' C{i} '|'] )));
if ~isempty(found)
N(i) = found;
An exceptionally clever person might determine a way to do this without a for loop, but it would likely sacrifice readability.