MATLAB: Get specific elements from all non-empty cells

cell arrayempty cellsindexingMATLAB

Hello everyone!
I have a pretty simple task, but I cannot come up with a simple solution. All my ideas seem way to complicated. Here is what I want to do:
I have a cell array C containing vectors of equal length or empty cells:
C = {[1 2 3];
[5 6 7];
Now I want to get a specific element, for example the second element, of each cell and write it into a new variable A. If the cell is empty I just want to write empty in the corresponding cell in A:
So if I wanted to get the second element I would expect A to look like this:
A =
Thanks in advance!
Well, maybe there is not such an obvious solution for this. So I'll just stick to an 'if' and a 'for' loop.

Best Answer

A = cell(size(A));
ii = ~cellfun('isempty',C);
A(ii) = cellfun(@(x)x(2),C(ii),'un',0);
or use loop for..end
A = cell(size(C));
for jj = 1:numel(C)
if ~isempty(C{jj})
A{jj} = C{jj}(2);