MATLAB: Does the PSBFFT_SCOPE function in SimPowerSystems 3.0 (R13SP1) return the wrong phase

blockcosinusphasepowerpsbfft_scopesimpowerSimscape Electricalsinussystemswrong

I have a model and I am analyzing the output signal after the model has run using the PSBFFT_SCOPE function. In my test cases, I am comparing the results of this function with the output of the Discrete Fourier block. The magnitudes match up well, but the phase is always wrong from the PSBFFT_SCOPE function.

Best Answer

The Discrete Fourier block and your original source blocks are based on SINUS signals. The phase returned by the PSBFFT_SCOPE function is for a COSINUS signal. To convert from COSINUS to SINUS, add 90 degrees to the phase output of the PSBFFT_SCOPE function. This will make your phase outputs match.