MATLAB: How to disable the output display when using the SIM function to simulate the Simulink model containing SimPowerSystems 3.0 (R13SP1) blocks

carlodisabledisplayechomontepowerguirepresentationSimscape Electricalstate-space

How can I disable the output display when using the SIM function to simulate my Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1) model containing SimPowerSystems blocks?
When I run the following command on my circuit model:
[t, x, y] = sim('power_mosconv', []);
I receive the following output:
SimPowerSystems processing power_mosconv ...
Computing state-space representation of linear electrical circuit ...
(2 states ; 4 inputs ; 3 outputs ; 2 switches)
Computing steady-state values of currents and voltages ...
Build the Simulink equivalent circuit ...
(Circuit stored inside "power_mosconv/VC" block)
This output is displayed for each iteration of my model simulation.

Best Answer

The option to disable this display feature in SimPowerSystems 3.0 (R13SP1) is within the POWERGUI block. You can access this block by entering the following MATLAB command:
You need to insert this block into your model and uncheck the "Show messages during analysis" checkbox in the Powergui Dialog Box.