MATLAB: Do the line spacing settings revert from “compact” back to “loose” on macOS 10.15 in MATLAB R2020b


I noticed in MATLAB R2020b that the MATLAB command window preferences found in "Preferences" -> "Command Window" ->"Text display" -> "Numeric display" -> "Compact" preference is not persistent. This setting periodically sporadically defaults back to "loose". There is no pattern related to when the setting reverts and it can occur within the same instance of MATLAB.

Best Answer

This happens if the you modify the line spacing setting to be different than the MATLAB factory default setting, "loose". For instance, this issue can occur after changing the setting to "compact" and then making use of features that do not involve display at the command line or format (e.g., Live Editor).
As a workaround, create a user defined startup script and add the following command to it:
format compact
For more information on creating a user defined startup script, see the following link to the documentation: