MATLAB: Are there unclear characters with 9pt of “Malgun Gothic(맑은 고딕)” font type in MATLAB 9.4 (R2018a)


I see the following characters are not clear from only Malgun Gothic with 9pt.
및, 넣, 닫, 몇, 볕, 팥, 곁, 빛, 옆 etc.

Best Answer

There is the same problem occurred even in Windows notepad. There are two solutions for this issue:
1. Turn on ClearType option in Windows OS.
2. If you don't want to use ClearType option, don't use Malgun gothic font in MATLAB command window. You can change the font setting by selecting "기본 설정" -> "글꼴" -> "사용자 지정" -> select "명령 창 -> "사용자 지정" -> select any other font than "맑은 고딕".