MATLAB: Do I receive an error when starting a MATLAB Compiler 4.7 (R2007b) created standalone application on Windows Vista

administratorcompilerfunctionMATLAB Compilermatlabrcundefinedvariablevista

When I start the MATLAB Compiler 4.7 (R2007b) created standalone application on Windows Vista I receive this error message:
??? Undefined function or variable ‘matlabrc’.
I have both MATLAB and the R2007b MCR installed on my Windows Vista machine.
To run the deployed application I have changed the system path so mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32 appears before matlabroot\bin\win32 but I still receive the error message above.

Best Answer

This is a common issue on Windows Vista. Due to UAC (User Access Control) feature in Windows Vista, even if you are logged in as an administrator by default you do not have administrative privileges when an application is run in a normal mode (by clicking). To run an application in an administrative mode, you will have to right click on the application icon and select "Run as an administrator".
To work around this issue, you need to run the application as an administrator on Windows Vista .