MATLAB: Do I receive the error “Aborting installation…” when trying to run the MCRInstaller on Windows NT

installerMATLAB Compilermcrmcrinstallermcrinstaller.exewinnt

I am trying to deploy a stand-alone application that I compiled using the MATLAB Compiler 4 (R14) onto a Windows NT computer.
When I run the MCRInstaller, I receive the following error:
Aborting installation - could not spawn unzip process.
Why do I receive this error?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug in way that the MCRInstaller handles the installation on a Windows NT machine.
Currently, to work around this issue:
1. Ship the following file along with the MCRInstaller:
(where $MATLAB = the MATLAB root directory on your machine)
2. On the target Windows NT machine, run the MCRInstaller.exe.
Let it fail with the "Aborting installation..." error message.
3. After it fails, copy unzip.exe (from Step 1) to the target installation directory specified in Step 2.
4. Open a DOS command prompt and change to the target installation directory specified in Step 2. You should see the following files:
5. Issue the following command from the DOS command prompt:
unzip _MCRInstaller.exe
Note that _MCRInstaller.exe and MCRInstaller.exe are two different files. MCRInstaller.exe extracts the _MCRInstaller.exe file at some point during the installation. Be sure that the unzip command is used on the _MCRInstaller.exe file in the target installation directory.
6. Add the following directory to your system path:
where, $MCRROOT = target installation directory specified in Step 2
For example, if you specified the following installtion directory in Step 2:
D:\Applications\MathWorks\MATLAB Component Runtime
$MCRROOT = D:\Applications\MathWorks\MATLAB Component Runtime
And you should add the following directory to your system path:
D:\Applications\MathWorks\MATLAB Component Runtime\v70\runtime\win32
For information on how to add a directory to your system path, see Solution 1-15ZLK: How do I set my system path under Windows?