MATLAB: Do I receive an error message “2908 could not register component” when I try to install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) 7.10


After launching MCRInstaller, the wizard is able to extract the files, but a windows dialog shows up and says:
"Error 2908 could not register component."
I would like to know how to install the MCR successfully.

Best Answer

When installing the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) 7.10, an error 2908 can occur during a MCR installation with MCRInstaller.exe because an incompatible .NET Framework has been installed on the target machine.
The MCRInstaller needs to register COM modules and initialize the Global Assembly Cache for .NET Framework on the target machine.
This issue can also manifest in other subtle forms such as in registry errors, uninstalled Windows component, and duplicate profiles. To obtain more information on why the installation was unsuccessful, install the MCR from a DOS command prompt by executing the command:
MCRInstaller.exe /v"/L*v C:\TEMP\MCRLOG.txt"
This will create an installation log MCRLOG.txt in the C:\TEMP directory.
The current workaround is to ensure you have a .NET Framework Version 2.0 or above. For more information please refer to the following link: