MATLAB: Is it possible to install the MCR manually without executing MCRInstaller.exe

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I would like to have the ability to install the MCR manually without an installer. This includes the ability to manually register any needed DLL's.

Best Answer

To install the MCR without using the normal installer on versions of MATLAB prior to R2007a:
1. Build the using the BUILDMCR function.
Alternatively, you can use the that is in your $MATLABROOT\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32 directory (where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB installation directory, as returned by typing
at the MATLAB command prompt.)
2. Install the MCR by unzipping this file to the directory where you want to install the MCR. You should choose a directory outside of the MATLAB directory structure.
3. Add the directory $MCR\ver\runtime\win32 to your system path (where $MCR is the directory in which the MCR is installed and <ver> corresponds to the version of MCR that is installed).
4. If you would like the MCR to be able to handle applications with COM objects, you must also perform the following steps:
First, open a Run dialog box by selecting Run from the Windows Start menu. Then open a DOS command prompt window by running the command "cmd."
Use the DOS command "cd" to change directories to $MCR\v70\runtime\win32.
Then execute the following commands:
regsvr32 mwcomutil.dll
regsvr32 mwcommgr.dll
After executing each of these commands, a dialog box should appear stating that the COM server has been successfully registered. After this step, installation of MATLAB Component Runtime should be complete.
Note that installing a subset of the files that are contained in might not allow your application to run successfully.
For newer versions of MATLAB, there is no way to install the MCR without ever using MCRInstaller.exe. However, you can install the MCR by copying an existing installation of the MCR to another computer. More information can be found in the documentation on the web at: