MATLAB: Do I receive a virus error when trying to install MATLAB


Virus scanners, such as F-Prot and F-Secure, report that the MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1) Product CD has a virus.
I receive the virus error "TWNOS-1 in the file M-BOOK95.DOT" from the virus software SuperVB.
There are several different viruses that have been reported:
A. Flooder.NewsAgent.106
A customer noted the following situations:
1. F-Prot 4.08 on a Win 98 machine detects the Flooder.NewsAgent.106 'virus' on the cd.
2. F-Prot 4.09 on a Win 98 machine detects the Flooder.NewsAgent.106 'virus' on the cd.
3. F-Prot 5.22 on a Win 2000 machine does NOT detect the Flooder.NewsAgent.106 'virus' on the cd.
When I downloaded MATLAB one of the installation files reported to have a virus.
TWNOS-1 in the file M-BOOK95.DOT
The virus was detected using SuperVB.
C. Other
In addition, it appears that one anti-virus software reports a virus in JINS.EXE and refuses to run the installation.
Another customer reported a problem with the virus detection program F-Secure and the installation of MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1). MATLAB 6.0 could not be uninstalled and the new version (R12.1) could not be installed because a virus-sequence was 'found' in the products.

Best Answer

F-Prot and F-Secure
We do not know why these virus scanners report a virus, but they are indeed false. This is why it is suggested to turn virus-scanning software off during installation.
In addition, you can receive a false warning when using F-Prot if the virus information file you are using is out of date. Once the virus information file is updated to the latest version the virus is no longer found.
It appears that SuperVB mistook the Notebook macros we use for a virus. The file is safe and can be used.
NOTE: Do not have SuperVB "fix" the file, because then Notebook will not work at all.