MATLAB: Delete rows in a table where data in one column is below a value


I have a table with four columns and multiple rows of data. I want to delet all rows where the value of teh data in the 4th columns is less than 0.1. Can anyone advise how to do this?
I tried this code to keep those rows where the data was >=0.1 but got the below message. Tis the table with all the data and Tmain is the new inteneded table without the those rows where data is <0.1 in 4th column.
T = table(T4, T1, T2, T3)
Tmain = T(T(:,4)>=0.1,:)
Operator '>=' is not supported for operands of type 'table'.
Error in working_file_2 (line 31)
Tmain = T(T(:,4)>=0.1,:)

Best Answer

> I want to delet all rows where the value of the data in the 4th columns is less than 0.1.
T(T{:,4}<0.1,:) = [];