MATLAB: Operands on table, comparison with numbers


Hi .I have a table after reading a csv file with readtable .I attached a sample file .Say I get a table A after reading.
say I fix one of the row indices " ind" .If I try say find(A(ind,:)>0.1) I get the error : "Operation '>' not supported for operands of type table " .In general how do I just go back to some classic matrix from a table ignoring these Variable names?
I tried table2array but with no luck .Many thanks

Best Answer

say I fix one of the row indices " ind" .If I try say find(A(ind,:)>0.1) I get the error : "Operation '>' not supported for operands of type table " .In general how do I just go back to some classic matrix from a table ignoring these Variable names?
There's no guarantee you can "slice" the table across rows -- the variables may contain data of different data types.
load patients
T = table(LastName, Gender, Age, Smoker);
ans = 8x4 table
LastName Gender Age Smoker ____________ __________ ___ ______ {'Smith' } {'Male' } 38 true {'Johnson' } {'Male' } 43 false {'Williams'} {'Female'} 38 false {'Jones' } {'Female'} 40 false {'Brown' } {'Female'} 49 false {'Davis' } {'Female'} 46 false {'Miller' } {'Female'} 33 true {'Wilson' } {'Male' } 40 false
But if you can, you can use curly braces to extract the data into a numeric array.
A = magic(4)
A = 4×4
16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1
T2 = array2table(A)
T2 = 4x4 table
A1 A2 A3 A4 __ __ __ __ 16 2 3 13 5 11 10 8 9 7 6 12 4 14 15 1
T2{3, :} % The same as A(3, :)
ans = 1×4
9 7 6 12