MATLAB: Keep specific column variables and delete others


Hi, I have a table with a list of column variables (Eg: [[Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 VarN]. I am trying to keep only specific variables and associated column data, whilst deleting all others.
For example, I want only variable 2 and 4, while deleting all other columns. Desired output –> [Var2 Var4]
It is possible to output only the desired columns without individually deleting unwanted variables?

Best Answer

Var1 = {'Sanchez';'Johnson';'Li';'Diaz';'Brown'};
Var2 = [38;43;38;40;49];
Var3 = logical([1;0;1;0;1]);
T = table(Var1,Var2,Var3)
To keep columns one and three:
T = [T(:,1) T(:,3)]
T =
5×2 table
Var1 Var3
_________ _____
'Sanchez' true
'Johnson' false
'Li' true
'Diaz' false
'Brown' true
Adapt the code for columns 2 and 4.