MATLAB: Reordering variables in a table array

table array

Let's say I have the table below. I want to reorder them by their ages. I tried to use
TSort.Age = sort(TSort.Age)
but it doesn't work because it only sorts the numbers and the corresponding elements remain at the same place.
TSort =
5×6 table
LastName Age Smoker Height Weight BloodPressure
_________ ___ ______ ______ ______ _____________
'Sanchez' 38 true 71 176 124 93
'Johnson' 43 false 69 163 109 77
'Li' 41 true 64 131 125 83
'Diaz' 40 false 67 133 117 75
'Brown' 49 true 64 119 122 80

Best Answer

sortrows() %?