MATLAB: Creating variables (matrices) in for loop

for loopmatricesvariables

Hello, I'd like to create new variables in a for loop that are matrices. It wolud be something along the lines of:
for i=1:n
[a(i) b(i) a(i)*b(i) -a(i)*b(i);…….;etc.]
So it would create variables k1,k2…kn with the first row if k1 being a(1) b(1) etc. Any way to do this? This would really help simplify my code.

Best Answer

Creating new variables dynamically is bad practice. Store them in a cell array or in a struct. For example:
C = cell(n,1);
for i = 1:n
A{i} = [a(i) b(i) a(i)*b(i) -a(i)*b(i);.......;etc.];
This article was written for Python, but it also applies to Matlab. Here's another article on the topic.