MATLAB: Want to use a ‘for’ loop to swich between variables, like varname_1+n

dynamic variable namesevalfor loopiteration variables;named variables

I'm using a syntax to creat variables, in the next step I want to use the variables one by an other in a 'for' loop.
syntax to creat the variables: like A_1, A_2, A_3, …
for f=1:1:18
a_LLK{f} = 'a_LLK_';
varnamelist1 = genvarname(a_LLK);
for l=1:1:18
eval([genvarname(['a_LLK_' num2str(l)]) '= ...']);
now I want to put the values of the createt variables in a Matrix.
for m=1:1:18
B_LLK(:,m) = a_LLK_ *'m'*
so that it will be count:
B_LLK(:,1) = a_LLK_1
B_LLK(:,2) = a_LLK_2
B_LLK(:,3) = a_LLK_3
. . .
thanks for help