MATLAB: For loop for roots function

for loop roots function

How do I create a for loop for the roots function? Here is a hypothetical data set:
for i=1:12
a(i) = x(i)*1
b(i) = x(i)*2
c(i) = x(i)*3
d(i) = x(i)*4
I now have a 1×12 vector for a, for b, c, and d.
I am not sure how to create a for loop that would take the first number in a, the first number in b, c, and d and then find then find the roots. Next the loop would use the second number in a, the second number in b, c, and d to find their roots. I run the loop and only the solutions for the first set of numbers is created.
Currently I am using:
for i=1:12
p = [a(i) b(i) c(i) d(i)]
r = roots(p)
Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

for i=1:12
p = [a(i) b(i) c(i) d(i)]
r{i} = roots(p);