MATLAB: COM Syntax Queston (Excel example but general puzzle)


If/when driving Excel or other apps via COM/ActiveX, "dot" syntax isn't always available for every method and one is forced tor resort to invoke 'ing a method. This generally isn't too bad to figure out the syntax needed from the VBA documentation and is usually more-or-less straightforward when the optional parameters are constants and/or there is an example that shows calling syntax.
An example there that is pretty simple but works is to open or save a file–here's a code snippet that works to create a new workbook from a template to subsequently be populated–
% Excel named constants w/o include file available
xlWorkbookDefault =51; % default Excel workbook type ('xlsx')
xlLocalSessionChanges= 2; % accept user changes unequivocally
isActive=false; % leave active session alone if is already open
try % If Excel is NOT running, throw error to the catch block.
Excel = actxGetRunningServer('Excel.Application');
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(templatedir,'Reconciliation.xltx')); % open the template
WBk=Excel.ActiveWorkbook; % make active
Filename=fullfile(outdir,'Reconciliation.xlsx'); % make a .xlsx file to update
FileFormat=xlWorkbookDefault; % is the default format
ConflictResolution=xlLocalSessionChanges; % suppress popup user dialog
% Can't use named parameters with invoke(), apparently, have to count placeholders
% Syntax from <>
%expression.SaveAs( _FileName_ , _FileFormat_ , _Password_ , _WriteResPassword_ , ...
% _ReadOnlyRecommended_ , _CreateBackup_ , _AccessMode_ , _ConflictResolution_ , ...
% _AddToMru_ , _TextCodepage_ , _TextVisualLayout_ , _Local_)
% expression is a Workbook object
works quite nicely. All the parameter values are constants and passed by position.
If the parameter is another object, however, I've been unable to decipher how to pass to the method, The next step after the above is that there is a need to create a variable number of pages of the template depending on number of cases to be analyzed. I've run into an impasse at this point, however
<> shows syntax as
expression. Copy( _Before_ , _After_ )
expression A variable that represents a Sheets object.
where the parameter is set to the target of which sheet it is that is to be either before or after. The VBA example code is
Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")
But I can't figure out any syntax that works that lets me specify the argument…
I figured by similarity
would be piece of cake but
K>> invoke(actSheet,'Copy','Before',actSheet)
Error using Interface.000208D8_0000_0000_C000_000000000046/Copy
Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception:
Source: Microsoft Excel
Description: Copy method of Worksheet class failed
Help File: xlmain11.chm
Help Context ID: 0
I've tried every pertubation I can think of and have proven that leaving off the parameter entirely creates a copy of the page in a new workbook as is documented but I can't make it work in the same workbook.
Anybody have enough experience to know the magic incantation?

Best Answer

I find it's very rare that you have to use invoke. You certainly don't need to for SaveAs or Copy.
Yes, matlab does not implement named argument. (It also doesn't implement default properties forcing you to explicitly use the Item property when indexing into collections). In matlab you always have to use the positional syntax, so If you want to specify the After part for a Copy or Add, you have to pass null ([] in matlab, nothing in VB) as the first argument:
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
excel.Visible = true;
wb = excel.Workbooks.Add;
ws1 = wb.Worksheets.Item(1);
ws1.Range('A1').Value = 10;
ws2 = wb.Worksheets.Add([], ws1); %Add worksheet after ws1
ws1.Copy([], ws2); %copy ws1 after ws2. Unfortunately Copy doesn't return a reference to the copy
wb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd, 'demo.xlsx'), 51, [], [], [], [], [], 2);