MATLAB: Add a new Excel sheet from Matlab


I am using ActiveX server to control Excel spreadsheet. Now I am using Worksheet.Sheets.Add to add a new sheet, but it add before the currently active sheet. I do not know how to apply the 'After' option there.
In all, I want to add a new sheet to the end (the last sheet), and set a new for this new sheet. Anyone can tell me how to apply 'After' and 'name' options to the Matlab command?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Regards, Derek

Best Answer

According to the VBA documentation on MSDN, to add after the active sheet, specify the active sheet as the second argument to the Add method:
Worksheet.Sheets.Add([], ActiveSheet)
Here's an example that adds a new sheet after the last worksheet (example assumes an Excel file called "Book1.xlsx" in the current folder):
% Connect to Excel
Excel = actxserver('excel.application');
% Get Workbook object
WB = Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(pwd, 'Book1.xlsx'), 0, false);
% Get Worksheets object
WS = WB.Worksheets;
% Add after the last sheet
WS.Add([], WS.Item(WS.Count));
% Save
% Quit Excel