MATLAB: ActiveX — Saving Excel File


I'm trying to open an existing Excel file, add data, then save the file. I've tried several different variations on saving the file, but I'm not having any luck. Code chunk:
%%Open Existing File & Activate / Re-name Sheet 3
hExcel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
hWorkbook = hExcel.Workbooks;
invoke(hWorkbook,'Open',filename_ext); %%filename_ext -- existing file
Sheets = hExcel.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets;
hSheet = get(Sheets,'item',3);
hSheet.Name = 'CYCLE';
%%Add Data & Formatting
%%Save File & Close
% hWorkbook.SaveAs(filename_ext); %%V1
% hWorkbook.Saved = 1;
% hWorkbook.Save %%V2
% invoke(hWorkbook,'Save',filename_ext); %%V3
The differet save methods above give a variety of different error outputs.
* hWorkbook.SaveAs(filename_ext);
Cannot find an exact (case-sensitive) match for 'SaveAs'
The closest match is: saveas
in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\matlab\general\saveas.m
* hWorkbook.Save
No appropriate method, property, or field Save for class
* invoke(hWorkbook,'Save',filename_ext);
Error using Interface.000208D8_0000_0000_C000_000000000046/invoke
Invoke Error: Unknown name or named argument
In another code section I've used the above SaveAs format (when I'm creating a new file–not adding data to an existing file)without issue, so I'm uncertain on how to correct the issue.
Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

hWorkbook = hExcel.Workbooks is collection of all the workbooks that you have open. To save one, you need the handle to one particular single workbook. Try using hWorkbook = hExcel.ActiveWorkbook instead. This will get the handle to just one workbook - the currently active one - instead of the whole collection of them. I know you may have only one open, but it's the hierarchy that's important. It's not going to automatically make hExcel.Workbooks equal to hExcel.ActiveWorkbook just because you have only one open.