MATLAB: Cell2struc “Number of field names must match number of fields in new structure” error


Hello! I am trying to assign 3 fields to each image of this cell array when I convert it to a structure array. I think the error is occurring since the cell array is 16×1 and therefore expects 1 field along the 2nd dimension. However I am looking to assign three fields for each image (therefore each cell) in the array. How can I change my code to do this? Thanks for any help!
N = 16;
C = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
F = sprintf('image%d.bmp',k);
C{k} = imread(F);
C_transposed = C';
fields= {'image',[], 'category','', 'Label', ''};
GImageDataManMade = cell2struct(C_transposed, fields,2)
error: Error using cell2struct Number of field names must match number of fields in new structure.

Best Answer

I believe what you want to do is the following:
N = 16;
C = cell(3,N);
for k = 1:N
F = sprintf('image%d.bmp',k);
C{1,k} = imread(F);
C_transposed = C';
fields= {'image','category', 'Label'};
GImageDataManMade = cell2struct(C_transposed, fields,2)
and then set the category and Label separately (or during the loop). Before, it was trying to shape a 16x1 cell array into a structure that wanted 16x6 (the '[]' and '' in fields counted as new fields as well), as you suspected.