MATLAB: Making one structure out of two structures


Let's say I have two structures.
D = [strtrim(C{1}),num2cell(C{2})].';
F = struct(D{:});
% other code that creates C1
D1 = [strtrim(C1{1}),num2cell(C1{2})].'; \
E = struct(D1{:});
I now want to create a larger structure out of F and E that has the same dimensions.
So , for dummy variables, let's say F looks like (but is not limited to):
A: apple
B: ball
and E looks like:
C: cat
D: dog
How do I combine these two into:
A: apple
B: ball
C: cat
D: dog

Best Answer

A general solution for two identically-sized structures, with any number of fields:
>> F.A = 'apple';
>> F.B = 'ball';
>> E.C = 'cat';
>> E.D = 'dog';
>> Z = cell2struct([struct2cell(E);struct2cell(F)], [fieldnames(E);fieldnames(F)], 1)
Z =
C = cat
D = dog
A = apple
B = ball