MATLAB: Converting structs within cells to cells

struct2cellstructs within cells

I have a 20×1 cell (X) where each cell element contains a 16×1 struct. There is only one field throughout any of the structs ('Coordinates', a matrix with 3 columns but varying number of rows). I would like to convert this into a 20×16 cell, where each cell element is the Coordinate matrix. I've tried many different things and nothing gives me quite what I want.
1. squeeze(struct2cell(X{1})) gives me a 16×1 cell where each cell containts a Coordinate matrix. I tried looping through the contents all 20 rows of cell X in hopes of horizontally concatenating the output, and no luck. This also doesn't work:
A = cell(16,20)
for i = 1:20
[A{:,i}] = squeeze(struct2cell(X{i}));
The resulting error: Error using squeeze Too many output arguments.
2. Also tried the following:
B = cell2mat(X);
C = cell(16,20);
[C{:}] = B.Coordinates;
This actually did give me a 16×20 cell, but the contents aren't right! I checked the dimensions of the matrices within the cells against the dimensions in the original structs within cells (Variable X), and they don't match!
If anyone could explain what I am doing wrong here, I would really appreciate it!

Best Answer

Mistake found. Method #2 would work as long as my preallocated cell C was the right size. It should've been cell(20,16). Then transposing the output of [C{:}] = B.Coordinates gives me the answer I need.
Thank you again for your help Walter. This isn't the first question of mine you've helped me on!