MATLAB: Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.

algorithmic tradingDatabase Toolbox

I am dealing with the following error:
Cell contents reference from a
non-cell array object.
The error points me to the following line:
Error using dataset/subsrefDot
(line 80)
which corresponds to:
update(conn, tablename, columnnames, data, whereclause);
Any ideas on how to deal with the error? If needed i can provide the full code as well.

Best Answer

Apparently it's not a cell array at that point. Or something else is horribly wrong. This is where debug stop on errors is your best friend:
dbstop if error
This sets a condition to stop when an error is thrown so you can see everything as it is at the time of the error. Then recreate the error.
My magic eight ball guess is that l_equities.CONVERSION is empty; that it will eventually become a cell array but is not on your first iteration.