MATLAB: Are the fonts in MATLAB unreadable on the machine


Why are the fonts in MATLAB unreadable on my machine?
The fonts used in all of the MATLAB Desktop windows (Command Window, Current Directory Browser, Command History, etc) are all unreadable. I tried changing to different fonts, but this does not seem to help.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This problem appears to be a conflict between MATLAB and the graphics driver being used on your system. To workaround the problem, try downloading different drivers for your graphics card. If this does not resolve the problem, some customers have found that decreasing or turning off hardware graphics acceleration resolves the problem.
To modify hardware acceleration:
1) Right-click on the Windows desktop and select "Properties"
2) Select the "Settings" tab
3) Click "Advanced"
4) Select the "Troubleshooting" or "Performance" tab
5) Use the "Hardware acceleration" slider that can be used to decrease and turn off hardware acceleration.