MATLAB: Does the Help browser display blank when I am using MATLAB on a 64-bit Linux machine


I am using MATLAB on a 64-bit Linux machine. I open the Help browser using the following command:
The Help browser window appears. However, the display pane on the right side of the browser appears blank.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in MATLAB 7.0.1 (R14SP1) on 64-bit Linux machines in the Help browser display when an invalid font is selected.
To work around this issue, set the "Desktop text font" to a supported font on 64-bit Linux machines. Follow the procedures below:
1. Select "File -> Preferences..." in the MATLAB Desktop.
2. Select "Fonts" in the left pane.
3. Under "Desktop text font", select a supported font such as "SansSerif".