MATLAB: Appending a table to another index error

for loopmatrixmatrix arraytable

Hi all
I am appending a table to another one during a loop, every time I calculate the first one in each cycle.
this is the error I get
Subscripting into a table using one subscript (as in t(i)) or three or more subscripts (as in t(i,j,k)) is not supported. Always specify a row subscript and a variable subscript, as in t(rows,vars).
Elapsed time is 21.683230 seconds.
and this is my code :
fn = cell2table(Tc, 'VariableNames', table_without_header.Properties.VariableNames);
if f1==1
Tout{f1} = [Tout{f1-1};fn];
fn is a 9×1 table and I think after the first loop, that also Tout becomes a 9×11 table I get this problem. how to resolve it ?

Best Answer

The error explains the issue. You have to specify row and column. Try this (untested):
if f1==1
Tout{f1,:} = [Tout{f1-1,:};fn];
Unless it was a typo, there appears to be an issue with the number of columns in fn (9x1) and Tout (9x11). They will both have to have the same number of columns for this code to work.