MATLAB: Calculate based on row

cell arrayMATLABmatrix array

I have 4060×1 cells, and each cell has 11×1 matrix. I want each cell able to calculate with the formula: Row(i) – Row(i+1) and the row 11=0
Example from 1 of 4060 cells:
Row1: 2
Row2: 5
Row3: 8
Row4: 9
Row5: 12
Row6: 14
Row7: 14
Row8: 15
Row9: 15
Row10: 14
Row11: 14
Desired output:
Row1: -3
Row2: -3
Row3: -1
Row 11: 0
Thank you

Best Answer

out = cellfun(@(x)-diff(x),your_cell_array,'un',0);