MATLAB: How to divide the cell array content into columns

cell arraysmatricestable

Hi all
I want to write the maximums of a matrix column into table and then Excel.
I do
C = {max(mo(:,2:7))}
Tit = cell2table(C,'VariableNames',{'maxTz','maxTy','maxTx','maxRz','maxRy','maxRx'})
if f1==1
Tout = [Tout;Tit]
but the variable C looks like this from what I do :
C =
1×1 cell array
{1×6 double}
so I get an error :
Error: The VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table.
How to I write the C with 6 columns ?

Best Answer

You don't need the cell array, it would be simpler with array2table:
M = max(mo(:,2:7));
Tit = array2table(M,...)